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Sunday, April 11, 2010

The Thailand Red Shirts

Some issues have affected the comic update rate lately, this might get worse before it gets better. This strip dealing with Thailand declared state of emergency was in fact supposed to be done a few days ago - when the news was still hot - not that it isn't now, in fact it's getting hotter!

Anyway, for some behind-the-scene information, Jack's comment in this strip was a reflection of a friend's comment, who is unhappy with the current local political situation when he read the proposed script. As much as I would like to see the Malaysian Parliament being stormed in the light of some local headlines at times, in reality it can be a very unsettling approach to solve any problems.

The Malaysian Parliament building

It is in my opinion, not uncommon for a nation to be divided on core issues, but if every time a side won and the other side took to the streets, nothing can be done to progress forward, no?

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